This years party was fantastic, probably because we had a lot to celebrate! The near completion of our Capital Campaign project, the beginning of the expansion, a new team in the Bunker, the great turnout by Board members and weekend staff, and a lot of hidden Karaoke Talent!
We partied in the former cafeteria...
We were entertained by unlikely duets and even less likely song choices!
here we can see Rob and Brian belting out some Madonna.
here we can see Rob and Brian belting out some Madonna.
Mike and Christine performed an interesting variation of a Fine Young Cannibals song.
Matt's inner Elvis surfaced as he rebelled against his brown patent leather shoes to declare his obsession with blue suede.
The Turner Sisters turning heads.
Matt's inner Elvis surfaced as he rebelled against his brown patent leather shoes to declare his obsession with blue suede.
The Turner Sisters turning heads.
The Incomporable Dr. Barry Bruce, Professional Crooner.
Thank you all very much for being such caluable and essential parts of the Diefenbunker team and joining us in our celebration!