Up to date information on the comings and goings in The Diefenbunker: Canada's Cold War Museum. Also a behind the scenes look at how the museum operates and how the museum team is working after our capacity expansion project to which grew our capacity from 60 to 420 in July 2010!

2009 Diefenbunker Holiday Party

Posted by Eric Espig On 13:35

This years party was fantastic, probably because we had a lot to celebrate! The near completion of our Capital Campaign project, the beginning of the expansion, a new team in the Bunker, the great turnout by Board members and weekend staff, and a lot of hidden Karaoke Talent!

We partied in the former cafeteria...

We were entertained by unlikely duets and even less likely song choices!
here we can see Rob and Brian belting out some Madonna.

Mike and Christine performed an interesting variation of a Fine Young Cannibals song.

Matt's inner Elvis surfaced as he rebelled against his brown patent leather shoes to declare his obsession with blue suede.

The Turner Sisters turning heads.

 The Incomporable Dr. Barry Bruce, Professional Crooner.

Thank you all very much for being such caluable and essential parts of the Diefenbunker team and joining us in our celebration!

Carp Christmas Parade!

Posted by Eric Espig On 13:00

We were thrilled to be a part of the First Carp Christmas Parade this year. This was a fantastic way to bring the bunker from the underground to the city streets to help celebrate with the Carp, Ontario community. Our theme this year was Peace on Earth and under the supervision of Amy Turner, Diefenbunker staff and management decorated our replica MKIV atomic bomb into an unlikely Christmas tree. The weather and the turnout for the parade were great and our parade representatives handed out "Peace Symbol" buttons as well as explanatory cards describing the iconic symbols semaphorical beginnings in the British Nuclear Disarmament Movement in 1958.

Photography Tours in The Bunker

Posted by Eric Espig On 11:37

Photo: Paul Galipeau 11/2009

Over the past month and some of the upcoming ones, photographers are documenting the popular areas of the Bunker as well as some of the hidden ones. The photographers are donating their valuable skills and artistic visions to help us build an anthology of striking and visually stunning photographs.  The goal is to curate from these photos an exhibition of Bunker Photography and publish them in a coffee table book of bunker history juxtaposed with artistic imagery.

So far the Bunker has hosted: Rémi Theriault, Paul Galipeau, David Forcier, and Pierre Richardson

You may view some of the sample/recon photos on their Flickr pages, and here is a link to the slideshow that David put together, Amazing!

Of course we feel that this is the perfect gift, especially for that James Bond fan you know or that certain someone you just cannot buy for. We have attractively packaged our membership cards with some other items from our Cold War Store to create a truly unique and exclusive holiday package.

For a donation of $100 CAD you will receive along with this year long membership & classy package, the priceless  feeling that comes with knowing you have helped to preserve one of Canada's National Historic Sites.

Happy Holiday Shopping!